Flow Control magazine recently announced its 2014 Innovation Awards winners for their technological contributions to industrial fluid handling systems, resulting in increased process efficiency, cost savings, energy savings and more. Fox Thermal Instruments was included within the award list for its Model FT2A thermal mass flow meter currently installed at The Shelly Company’s Gallipolis asphalt plant. “The meter has been instrumental in determining our true drying costs, said Trevor Small,” area manager. Jeff Conover, OMG asphalt performance manager, worked with Fox Thermal Instruments to develop a web page for remote access to the meter. This Ethernet IP feature enables the plant manager to view the meter readings from the control house via the touch screen panel eliminating the need for the loader operator to manually read the meter. Essentially the meter can be read from any location through Internet login. This new technology has helped to improve plant performance and determine inefficiencies. The Shelly Company is proud to be one of the first companies to use the FT2A thermal mass flow meter.