Pave the Way with Ohio’s Leading Asphalt Provider
Our years of experience as an asphalt paving company has made us the leading supplier of asphalt paving materials in the state of Ohio, with multiple asphalt facilities across the state.
The Shelly Company provides a diverse portfolio of the most technologically advanced paving mixtures, such as porous, polymer-modified, recycled, recycled incorporating shingles and foamed warm mix (Eco-Mix brand) asphalts.
Unlike hot mix asphalt, warm mix methods use less energy production as well as a more efficient adhesion between aggregate and binder. The end result is a slow-cooling compound that can longer withstand the elements.
Our warm mix asphalt has been utilized for the U.S. Green Building Council LEED credits, and we are proud to be a member of the Green Highways Partnership. Shelly asphalt has been utilized in the building of perpetual pavements with multiple layers, a concept long championed by the company for many years.
The Shelly Company is truly cutting-edge in the design and utilization of the most technologically advanced asphalt mix designs, incorporating every type of modifier and additive to produce a high quality, durable, skid-resistant, smooth pavement. The Shelly Company maintains an Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) inspected quality-control lab at each asphalt facility to ensure the highest quality mix.
To accurately estimate paving materials needed and help calculate your asphalt paving cost, please visit our calculators page.