Wildlife Habitat Sites
The Shelly Company supports a corporate-wide initiative and encourages participation throughout our four divisions. Our Wildlife Habitat Site program enables us to partner with an excellent match for our industry and reflection of our core values. Our Wildlife Habitat Sites exist on once mined land and are recognized by the Wildlife Habit Council (WHC).
The Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) is a nonprofit, nonlobbying 501(C)(3) group of corporations, conservation organizations and individuals dedicated to restoring and enhancing wildlife habitats. Created in 1988, WHC helps large landowners, particularly corporations, manage their lands in an ecologically sensitive manner for the benefit of wildlife.
Wildlife Habitat projects on these lands, which vary in nature and scope, are corporate-driven cooperative efforts between management, employees, community members, local conservation groups and local, state and federal agencies. By creating volunteer-based wildlife teams of company employees and community groups like Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, 4H Groups, and local schools, WHC wildlife programs achieve a high level of success. WHC also works to broaden understanding of wildlife values through the incorporation of environmental education, volunteer participation and community outreach programs. Since 1990, WHC has certified hundreds of programs at corporate facilities around the world. Third-party credibility and an objective evaluation of projects through a certification program validate these habitat sites to employees as well as the community at large. This brings sustainability into people’s everyday lives.
The Shelly Company currently has five certified WHC sites. These sites have received certification and public recognition because of the dedication and support of management and employees at the following locations: Dresden, Montpelier North, Shalersville, Ostrander, and Petersburg. The Shelly Company’s commitment to establishing wildlife habitat sites on our lands is part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mission and helps us to achieve our sustainability goals. In being a role model, we can improve the reputation of our industry and corporation, and provide concrete examples of our commitment to sustainability initiatives.
Each of our five sites is certified in the Wildlife at Work program which is a program of voluntary efforts that exceed regulatory requirements. Projects may vary in scope from large scale prairie and wetland restoration, to individual species management and native planting projects. These programs put emphasis on community involvement in habitat projects by collaborating with local teachers and students. Scout groups, and other community members. (source www.wildlifehc.org).
The Shelly Company Dresden Site has the corporate lands for learning (CLL) certification. Corporate Lands for Learning (CLL), a certification program of the Wildlife Habitat Council, opens doors to experience innovative teaching and learning techniques and the opportunity to involve our community in our conservation efforts. CLL fosters in both adults and children a clear understanding of the interdependence of ecology, economics and social structures in both urban and rural areas.
Most recently, the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) recognized The Shelly Company for its commitment to environmental stewardship and wildlife habitat development at is 23rd Annual Symposium, “People,Partnerships and Pathways” in Baltimore, MD., on Nov 13-15. The Montpelier North and Petersburg Sites earned recertification, and the Montpelier North site was nominated for the Pollinator Protection Award and Prairies for Tomorrow Award. Our wildlife team members consisting of employees and community members are the ones to thank for all of their hard work and dedication to improving the wildlife in our communities.